Training 12-02-2017

The dissemination sessions of the COMPERE project had started

In the run-up to the end of the COMPERE project, which the objective was to set up in the partner universities the competence, which has become indispensable, that of assembling European projects, Tlemcen University, which coordinates actions, organized a first meeting with the cadres of the Institution. Mr ZENDAGUI Djawad, head of the dissemination Work Package, gave a training session on Thursday 9 February 2017 at the Rector's Headquarters for administrative and academic staff, covering several departments such as International Cooperation, the Entrepreneurship House, Quality assurance, Informatic Resources and intellectual protection managers.

Essentially, the issues discussed were related to Erasmus + projects, such as mobility and capacity building.

The assistance will still have the opportunity to participate in training workshops that will be held each Thursday and will focus on the tools of assembly of the projects.